What is Magna Carta?

In this micro-documentary, Royal Holloway PhD student Claire Kennan explores the immediate background to the events of June 1215, what Magna Carta was and achieved in the short term and what happened after the King and Barons parted company.

Was John a bad King?

In this micro-documentary made by Claire Kennan, a PhD student at Royal Holloway specialising in medieval history, we explore the reputation and image of King John. Was he as bad as we commonly believe? What was expected of a medieval king and how does John compare with his father, Henry Read more…

England in 1215

In this short film Claire Kennan explores the background to the events at Runnymede in 1215. What was England like in this tumultuous year? What was the Angevin Empire? Why was the extension of Royal forests unpopular? Who were the Barons?